Camp Gan Israel in partnership with Gan Torah Preschool offers a full summer preschool program for children age 2-4.

Please note: the CGI Preschool program takes place at a separate off-site location.
Our preschool program takes place at
Gan Torah Preschool, 2015 Latham St, Mountain View
Some of the features of our preschool program:

Water Play

On Mondays and Wednesdays the children will enjoy a variety of water play activities including sprinklers, spray bottles, bubbles and water tables. Swim gear necessary.  


The open ended art activities offer the children a variety of mediums to explore their creativity. Art is offered every day by both indoor and outdoor playtime. 


Dancing, bean bags, parachute and movement games are some ways our campers get moving all while having fun with friends. 


Every Tuesday the children will enjoy a visit from a "special visitor". Gardening workshop, Gymnastics, Petting Zoo and Bubble show are some of the great surprizes included in the calendar 

Summer 2021 Program Changes:

Our program has been modified over the past year to maximize the safety of our campers and families while including all the signature Gan Izzy excitement, fun, staff & friends.

Health & Safety Updates & Guidelines:

  • Children will be reminded to stay extra careful with hand washing, using sanitizer and other important hygienic guidelines at all times. All children and staff will wash their hands between all activities and before and after eating.
  • Supplies and toys in the classrooms will be specifically chosen to be easily sanitized. The staff will be regularly cleaning and sanitizing the shared classroom furniture including the sinks, bathrooms and tables. Shared equipment will be sanitized between each use.
  • No parents or visitors will be allowed in the building.
  • All food areas will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before and after eating. Children will be reminded of proper hygiene practice.
  • Any child who has experienced fever, vomiting, cough, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell or other symptoms typical of Covid-19 or has been exposed to a household member experiencing symptoms, will be unable to rejoin the program until 72 hours after the symptoms subside, in most cases a negative test result and/or doctor’s note will be required before returning.
  • Any child or staff member who displays a high temperature or other symptoms during the camp day will be isolated from the rest of the group and sent home ASAP. Parents will be notified of any possible exposure to illness.

Drop-off & Pickup Procedures:

Parents are required to check their children’s temperature before arriving at camp each morning. All campers will be welcomed outside by our staff and screened and temperature checked with a contact-less thermal thermometer before being checked in each morning, any camper with a fever of 100.4 or higher will be sent home. Only after being screened can your child enter the building. When entering, all children will be required to wash or sanitize their hands.

Sign in and out will be using the touchless Procare app on your phone. We will also be using the app for parent communication for information on your child's day at camp and photos. Please note, this app will only be used for the preschool program, not for the older school-aged children at Camp Gan Israel.

Sample Daily Schedule

9:00 am

9:45 am
10:00 am
10:15 am
10:30 am
11:30 am
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
2:45 pm

3:00 pm

Arrival, Sign in and Open Play. Exploration of centers including art, drama, manipulatives, sensory and building.
Clean up from free play, wash up for snack
Snack. Fruit provided by Camp Gan Israel
Morning meeting
Outdoor Play. Water Activities, playground, sports
Indoor Activity (Craft/Movement)
Lunch Children bring a pareve or dairy lunch from home
Rest time. Dismissal for Core program
Afternoon activities for older children. Younger children nap
Snack provided by Camp Gan Israel
Outdoor Play
Goodbye circle and story time. Dismissal 
8:45 am

Arrival, Sign in and Open Play. Exploration of centers including art, drama, manipulatives, sensory and building.
9:45 am

Clean up from free play, wash up for snack
10:00 am

Snack. Fruit provided by Camp Gan Israel
10:15 am

Morning meeting
10:30 am

Outdoor Play. Water Activities, playground, sports
11:30 am

Indoor Activity (Craft/Movement)
12:00 pm

Lunch Children bring a pareve or dairy lunch from home
12:30 pm

Rest time. Dismissal for Core program
1:00 pm

Afternoon activities for older children. Younger children nap
2:30 pm

Snack provided by Camp Gan Israel
2:45 pm

Outdoor Play
3:00 pm

Goodbye circle and story time. Dismissal 


Monday, June 21 through Friday, July 30

Registration open by the week, minimum 2 week registration required. (Requirement waived for current and incoming Gan Torah students)


Core Program: 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM 

Extended Day: 9:00 AM - 3:15 PM

Aftercare: 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM

The Preschool program takes place at Gan Torah Preschool, 2015 Latham St, Mountain View 94040

Preschool (Ages 2-4) Core Program (9:00-12:30) Extended Day (9:00-3:15)
5 Day Week (M-F) 285 375
3 Day Week (M,W,F) 200 265

Preschool After care (minimum enrollment required): 3:15-4:00 - $50 per week, $30 for 3 day week

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